Pincho de Tortilla y Caña

In 2018 105 years will have elapsed since Spanish King Alfonso XIII officially certified the birth of the famous Spanish Tapa.

Our favorite Tapa is the ‘’pincho de tortilla’’ which is best combined with 1 caña ( small glass of draft beer ).

Both together, amount only to 290 kcal.

The equivalent to a half an hour of a pleasant walk.

In the photos you can see how nice it all looks, ideal for a relaxing break !

Prestigious Spanish journalist Luis Herrero  popularized pincho de tortilla y caña in his political bets.

A tasty  bet.

And cheap ( for the payer ).

We strongly believe that the sensation of tasting a soft and delectable bite of Spanish omelette , combined with a refreshing glass of beer is a sublime experience that every traveler should enjoy, either in winter or summer. Just like you can’t miss a good Cheese Cake in New York, a delicious Baguette in Paris, a Pretzel in Berlin or a White Pizza in Rome.

That’s why we have included during our Private Walks in Madrid a nice break in the best bars where locals go to enjoy a Tapa of Pincho de Tortilla y caña.

You are invited!

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